God Save The (Future) Queen
Latest news in! The Opera Gallery on Bond Street is proud to unveil their latest workand its a belter!
The first royal portrait of Kate Middleton as Queen is, um, not as traditional as one might wish for.
And, Thats what makes it so cool! The artist is Zoobs, the feel is Sex Pistols. The end result is stunning.
Zoobs chose to depict Kate Middleton after taking a picture of The future Queen and redesigned it to make Kate look every bit the contemporary fashionista she is.
Zoobs has created 100 individual prints of the original Kate Middleton picture which will be sold and the profits will all go to Zoobs chosen Charity Freedom from Sorrow.
The Opera Gallery is a unique and well-established portal to the art cognoscenti and is a network of galleries supporting both new and established artists from around the world.
The London Opera Gallery is directed by Jean-David Malat who consults and advises both established and beginner art collectors with his detailed knowledge of the field with an energetic, passionate approach.
This unrivalled piece is on display now, its sure to become a collectors piece.
I secretly suspect that the sassy future Queen will love this bold and beautiful work of art.
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